About a week before the 18th presidential election in South Korea, a scandal broke that a National Intelligence Agency agent, Kim, had been illegally trying to influence election by posting comments or clicking "recommended" or "disapproved of" online. Three days before the election, the police announced that they could not find any trace of Kim's comments - even without looking at her log record! This report encouraged the candidate Park and her Saenuri Party to attack the Democratic United Party and Moon for fabricating a plot, and Park won the election. However, on Jan 2nd of 2013, about 2 weeks after the election, the police published a new report. Obviously, Kim used as many as forty ID's to read about 4,000 pages a day for 74 days, with the log record of 310,000, yielding the average log record of 4189 per day or 175 per hour. Also, by "recommending" or "disapproving of" some posts on cooking or entertainment industry, Kim seems to have tried to prevent the materials unfavorable to Park from becoming one of the most popular postings of the day. Her alleged actions are for sure vulnerable to the accusation of election fraud by a government organization. Most importantly, it is not unreasonable to think, if the investigation was timely and accurate, the result of the election could have been different.
1. "국정원 ‘대선 개입’ 의혹, 신속하게 진위 가려라" ("National Intelligence Agency's 'involvement in the presidential election' should be promptly verified") ,http://www.hani.co.kr/arti/opinion/editorial/565061.html
2. "국정원 여직원 PC 내놨는데… 민주, 사흘째 증거 공개 안 해" ("The National Intelligence Agency agent submitted her PC.. the Democratic United Party has not presented evidence for three days"),http://news.chosun.com/site/data/html_dir/2012/12/14/2012121400226.html
3. "국정원女 로그기록도 안본 경찰이 '댓글 없다' 발표" ("The police says 'no comment found' even without examining the log record"),http://news.khan.co.kr/kh_news/khan_art_view.html?artid=201212170300381&code=910110
4. "朴측 '文 기획선거 공작 사과하라' 총공세" ("Park camp attacks, 'Moon camp should apologize for the election plot'"),http://www.yonhapnews.co.kr/bulletin/2012/12/17/0200000000AKR20121217055800001.HTML?did=1179m
5. "국정원 여직원 댓글 흔적과 '십알단'의 이외수 공격" ("Traces of the National Intelligence Agency agent's comments and the 'sib-al-dan's attack of Oi-soo Lee"), http://impeter.tistory.com/2067
6. "국정원 선거개입 '사상초유 국기문란 사건'" ("National Intelligence Agency's involvement in the presidential election, 'unprecedented breach of official discipline'"), http://www.amn.kr/sub_read.html?uid=7759 .
7. "오유회원 '액면가 50원'이 국정원을 고발합니다" ("'Facial value 50won,' a member of O-yoo (Today's Humor), charges National Intelligence Agency"),http://www.pressbyple.com/news/articleView.html?idxno=11837 .
8. "국정원녀 사건의 핵심을 보아야 한다" ("We should look at the core of the National Intelligence Agency agent scandal"),http://yetssul.tistory.com/17
9. "국정원 여직원 ‘수상한 인터넷 행적’ 하루 평균 4천 페이지 들여다봐" ("the National Intelligence Agency agent 'suspicious act' of viewing 4,000 pages per day online"),http://www.hani.co.kr/arti/society/society_general/568335.html
10. "국정원 '김씨 업무는 대북, 종북세력 움직임 파악'" ("National Intelligence Agency, 'the agent Kim's job description is to observe the movement of jong-book group (followers of North Korea)'"),http://www.ohmynews.com/NWS_Web/View/at_pg.aspx?CNTN_CD=A0001822409
11. "서울청, 발표 이틀 뒤 국정원 여직원 ‘아이디’ 자료 넘겨" ("The Seoul police district hands over the agent's 'ID' information two days after their report"),http://news.khan.co.kr/kh_news/khan_art_view.html?artid=201301072152575&code=940202
12. "표창원 ‘국정원 게이트 국정조사 해야'” ("Chang-won Pyo, 'Parliamentary hearing is a must on the National Intelligence Agency Gate'"),http://www.hani.co.kr/arti/society/society_general/568426.html
1. "국정원 ‘대선 개입’ 의혹, 신속하게 진위 가려라" ("National Intelligence Agency's 'involvement in the presidential election' should be promptly verified") ,http://www.hani.co.kr/arti/op
2. "국정원 여직원 PC 내놨는데… 민주, 사흘째 증거 공개 안 해" ("The National Intelligence Agency agent submitted her PC.. the Democratic United Party has not presented evidence for three days"),http://news.chosun.com/
3. "국정원女 로그기록도 안본 경찰이 '댓글 없다' 발표" ("The police says 'no comment found' even without examining the log record"),http://news.khan.co.
4. "朴측 '文 기획선거 공작 사과하라' 총공세" ("Park camp attacks, 'Moon camp should apologize for the election plot'"),http://www.yonhapnews.
5. "국정원 여직원 댓글 흔적과 '십알단'의 이외수 공격" ("Traces of the National Intelligence Agency agent's comments and the 'sib-al-dan's attack of Oi-soo Lee"), http://impeter.tistory.
6. "국정원 선거개입 '사상초유 국기문란 사건'" ("National Intelligence Agency's involvement in the presidential election, 'unprecedented breach of official discipline'"), http://www.amn.
7. "오유회원 '액면가 50원'이 국정원을 고발합니다" ("'Facial value 50won,' a member of O-yoo (Today's Humor), charges National Intelligence Agency"),http://www.
8. "국정원녀 사건의 핵심을 보아야 한다" ("We should look at the core of the National Intelligence Agency agent scandal"),http://yetssul.
9. "국정원 여직원 ‘수상한 인터넷 행적’ 하루 평균 4천 페이지 들여다봐" ("the National Intelligence Agency agent 'suspicious act' of viewing 4,000 pages per day online"),http://www.hani.co.
10. "국정원 '김씨 업무는 대북, 종북세력 움직임 파악'" ("National Intelligence Agency, 'the agent Kim's job description is to observe the movement of jong-book group (followers of North Korea)'"),http://www.ohmynews.
11. "서울청, 발표 이틀 뒤 국정원 여직원 ‘아이디’ 자료 넘겨" ("The Seoul police district hands over the agent's 'ID' information two days after their report"),http://news.khan.co.
12. "표창원 ‘국정원 게이트 국정조사 해야'” ("Chang-won Pyo, 'Parliamentary hearing is a must on the National Intelligence Agency Gate'"),http://www.hani.co.kr/
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